Architectural DigestBilotta Kitchens was highlighted in a recent article in Architectural Digest. The article discusses the benefits of donating used cabinets, appliances and fixtures following a kitchen renovation to a leading non-profit organization in the field, Renovation Angel.

Donating used kitchen fixtures offers several benefits, such as environmental stewardship, the creation of jobs and the ability to include these donations on income tax returns. As an added bonus, Renovation Angel offers insured removal of these items from the renovation site and then re-sells them on their website. The organization puts the proceeds from the sale toward a variety of important programs focused on helping at-risk youth, social entrepreneurship and addiction recovery, among others.

In the article, Jim Bilotta Jr. explains that Bilotta Kitchens has been using Renovation Angel for many years on many client kitchen renovations. He adds that Bilotta’s clients like the fact that their kitchen implements will be re-used, and that they are offered significant tax advantage for their donations.

Jim underscores the fact that Renovation Angel is intimately involved with drug addiction and rehabilitation centers in the greater New York area. With the opioid epidemic factoring so prominently within every aspect of society, Renovation Angel’s work is extremely important.

Read the full article in Architectural Digest here.